

Carbon-Dioxide-Extinguisher-SignThe Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 places a great emphasis on preventing and containing the spread of fire. Fire Extinguishers are an effective means of doing this, especially when surveys conclude that 80% of workplace fires have been put out with an extinguisher. The Responsible Person is required to ensure that the workplace has sufficient fire fighting equipment sited. Fire fighting equipment is there to be used by staff or employers in case of an emergency. But, fire extinguishers can only be used on the appropriate class of fire and identifying the right extinguisher for the right fire is not as simple of straightforward as might first be thought.

Course Details:
This course has been designed to educate the staff in the correct use of extinguishers and to experience the different weights and sounds.

Training content will include:
- Classes of fire
- Types of extinguishers
- The correct placement
- Extinguisher Familiarisation

The presenter in a safe environment will then commence with the practical session of this training. Attendees will be given the chance to experience the extinguishers weight and sound and the impact extinguishers have when operated. This course does not include a live fire and should not be considered a training programme for fire fighting. Hands on Fire Extinguisher Operation is to be added onto your Fire Warden Course as an optional extra.

Price: £100 + VAT (to be added onto your Fire Warden Course)

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